Tuesday, January 7, 2020

why should we care

Historic gym for sale.  School closing.  Local landmark burns.   These are just a few of the headlines we've encountered in the last six years during our photographic journey to Hoosier high school gyms - at last count, more than 300.  Shrinking populations & budgets have taken a toll on these old buildings - more so every year.  Does it matter if these places become parking lots for the newest Family Dollar store?  And if so, why should we care?  Their disappearance won't affect global warming (I don't think), animal extinction or iPhone reception.  These are just places where a game is played, right?  When we started out to "photograph a few old Hoosier gyms" in 2013 I'm not sure we had a full understanding about  the task at hand.  At first we simply saw brick, mortar and maple.  And then there were the trophy cases - filled with memories of long past games, teams and schools now gone.  There were always stories to hear and people to meet.  And games to watch.  So what does it matter if another old gym disappears?  These were just places where communities gathered, rivalries played out and children grew into adults.  Dances were held, graduations too.  Lifelong memories were made.  So what does it matter?  We have the newest phones and apps to watch games - do we really need to sit on old wooden bleachers, either too hard or too cramped?  Suffice it to say, I don't have an answer to these questions but I understand the arguments that surround the debate. I'm not sure how to save these old buildings, I only know how to do my part - to pull out a camera and record what I see.  And hope that by sharing these photographs others with influence might care.

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